abita-springs-elementary-school-jamie-mixonAbita Springs Elementary School is located at 22410 Level Street in Abita Springs, LA. This address is in the 70420-zip code area. You can reach the school office at 985-892-8184. Send all faxes to 985-892-2757.

Abita Springs Elementary School enrolls students in grades Pre-Kindergarten – 3rd. They enroll approximately 721 students annually. The student to teacher ratio is 16:1. They are known as the Abita Springs Bees.

The school is comprised of 38 homerooms. Pre-Kindergarten has eight classes. There is a class for the transition between kindergarten and first grade. First grade students are in one of nine classes. Second grade has eight classes, and third graders are in one of eight classes.

In addition to the academic program, Abita Springs offers music, art, and physical education classes for students each week. Students have access to the library and computer lab during the school day. The school provides an Accelerated Reading program and an Accelerated Math program for students in second and third grade.

Abita Springs Elementary School is dedicated to offering students access to the latest technology. Classrooms have an iPod, iPad, and four or more computers. Classrooms also have a Promethean board, a document camera, and a projector. The computer lab has state of the art equipment that includes 25 computers with touch screens.

Students are encouraged to “Bee the Best” by following five expectations.

  • Be There
  • Be Respectful
  • Be Positive
  • Be Safe
  • Be Responsible

The school opens its doors for students at 8:10 AM. The first bell rings at 8:35 AM, and students are considered tardy at 8:40 AM. Classes are dismissed for the day at 3:35 PM. Abita Springs Elementary School does offer before and after school programs for students.

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